Rising Offshore Development Popularity

We live in critical economic times when we need to make optimum utilization of resources and deliver the best services. Software is one area where “lean and mean” is the buzzword as most of the work is getting outsourced to countries where the same work can be done at marginally lower prices and without any compromise on the quality. Offshore development has earned a lot of popularity especially when there are clients across the globe like Netherlands in Europe and Egypt and Gulf areas realizing the huge potential of it.

The areas of focus where offshore development has gained momentum are enterprise application development and Software Quality Assurance. The database design and development India has done in the past is the testimony of the powerful potential of outsourcing and how this creates a win-win situation for both the client as well the offshore centers.

The clients realize the huge cost cuts that happen when work is shared and India tops the list when it comes to providing high end solutions and fast development.