Why is Codeigniter Preferred over Other Development Frameworks?

Businesses across the globe are recognizing the value they get when they hire Codeigniter developer. With 19% of the business and industry sites opting for Codeigniter, the open source PHP framework is a great selection for many web developers and coders. If you are a developer, then the below advantages associated with Codeigniter framework development.

1. Quicker time to market

The MVC pattern followed by Codeigniter makes it a great PHP framework for developers. In fact it is proven to perform better than other PHP frameworks as far as execution time is concerned. It is no surprise that the user base for Codeigniter keeps increasing at a fast pace.

2. Better security

Keeping an application secured is a wish of every developer. It is here that custom Codeigniter development scores heavily. This ensures secure output and input filtering. The automatic setting off of magic_quotes_runtime directive at the time of system initialization is another point that showcases the framework’s high security performance.

3. Database abstraction

No need to write long SQL queries when Codeigniter can integrate insertion, update, and deletion of the statements. It is compatible with a large array of databases like Postgre, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, and ODBC. Its new database forge library too takes the hassle out of querying tasks and getting required results.

4. Strong tech community

If you are involved in Codeigniter development India, then you will be happy with the strong community support that can help you with your queries and doubts. Additionally, it has a wiki page dedicated solely to this framework. These resources and active support online will be invaluable to get your development project completed on time and as per expected outcomes.

5. Quick and easy configuration

The installation is quick and is configured as per your specific system. Simply type in ‘config.php’ and start loading the necessary resources like tools, themes, libraries, and packages to begin coding on this framework. This proves to be a great custom Codeigniter development advantage offered to the developers.

6. Better error handling efficiency

Error handling has been a sore pain point that is known to bring down the overall project’s productivity. With Codeigniter, however, error handling becomes much more simplified. Simply type in one line of code, and be presented with all the errors in the program on the screen.

7. Loads of libraries and tools

Anything from calculator and calendar, to unit testing and validation is bundled into neat little libraries and packages just waiting to be integrated into your program. This means that you need not spend time writing code from grounds up. Simply integrate these tools and resources into your programs, save coding time, and enable faster time to market.

Codeigniter framework design gets a tangible boost in development inefficiencies with these advantages. Hence clients place a great premium when they hire Codeigniter developer.