C# – The Programming Language Backed by Microsoft

C# is the preferred development tool for creating Windows applications. Working under the .NET architecture, C#’s type-safe and object oriented language allows developers to build robust and scalable components for a wide variety of .NET applications. Using the C# language, developers can build and deploy secure, high quality web applications based on the .NET platform.

C# is built by replicating the characteristics of other powerful languages such as C, C++ and Java. C# can be used to develop .NET applications for startups as well as high load enterprise applications. With C# based application solutions developers can provide web applications that are flexible to meet the current demand of client business and are future ready to grow with the growing organization

Characteristics of C#
1.    OOP centric – All major OOP principles are adhered to by C#. All the below features of OOP are present in C#:
•    Polymorphism (multiple forms or functionality of single object),
•    Abstraction (offers generalized view of objects and classes without showing background details),
•    Encapsulation (shows only relevant characteristics of the object and keep the data hidden from sight)
2.    Type-safety – This particular feature allows C# language ensures sturdy web application development and follows a number of protocols under this guideline as below
•    All program objects and variables are initialized to zero
•    No unsafe casts allowed
•    All arithmetic calculations check for stack overflow
•    Any uninitialized object generates an error
•    Array out of bounds exception are checked for when programming
3.    Compatibility – The language applies the .NET common language specification and supports compatibility with other COM objects irrespective of the source programming language.

Practical applications of C#
Developers can use this powerful language to create highly functional web based applications. The reason why most people don’t see too many instances of the practical uses of C# as compared to say, Java, is because they work silently in the background providing stability to systems architecture and keep existing IT process running smoothly. .NET Reflector, Paint.NET, and Visual Studio 2010 are some of the more popular desktop applications built using C#. Even Windows Phone apps use C# programming language. Development companies can use this language to create web applications, desktop console applications, and Windows applications.

Benefits of using C#
1.    It uses a standard intermediate language to which it is compiled (Common Intermediate Language or CIL), irrespective of the source language, operating systems or architecture
2.    Developers can do away with using header files
3.    Implicit declaration of classes and objects not required
4.    Classes can be initialized automatically or by using static constructors
5.    Automated garbage collection and optimum memory management
6.    Avoid circular dependency situations at time of programming
7.    Flexibility in the order of defining classes and functions
8.    Offers simpler multithreading capabilities
9.    Well defined ‘get-set’ methods, to enable better legibility of codes

C# is the preferred choice of programming language by developers when it comes to .NET applications development for desktop apps or for gaming. Programmers who are well versed with C/C++ can use C# easily for development process and need not spend much time learning it.